Arms, backs and pectorals can be worked in a thousand and one ways (we hardly exaggerate) from home. It is enough to use the weight of your body and some elements of your environment to exercise effectively.


To effectively work the biceps and pectorals, I advise push-ups. That's it... The word is out ! If this movement is scary, know that it is very complete and feasible in several ways depending on your level : to start, put on your knees and if you are comfortable put on your feet. By changing the inclination, by changing the position of the hands (more or less close to each other), by modulating the speed or the number of repetitions ... day after day, you will make noticeable progress and your arms will refine !

2-the dips

To develop the triceps, the longest muscles of the arms: lean on a coffee table or chair behind you, feet more or less forward according to your level(or even resting on an ottoman or other chair). Bend your arms to a 90° angle with your elbow. Be sure to keep your elbows shoulder-width apart throughout the movement. Start by doing 2 sets of 10 repetitions with a small amplitude of motion, gradually increase the number of sets, the amplitude of motion and then the number of repetitions. It stings ? That's normal !


To perform this exercise, observe your environment and find a place at height where you can grip (a landing of stairs is not bad !), if really no place inspires you, it is possible to install a pull-up bar. In addition to working your arms, pull-ups will effectively develop your back (you know, like the beautiful “V” back of swimmers !). Exercise is difficult, so do not be surprised if you do not manage to do more than one pull at first : over time, progress will be visible !


To strengthen your supports and protect your joints (knees and ankles) follow the exercises below :


Impossible to escape this exercise when you want to muscle your legs. Well done, squats will allow you to tone your buttocks and thighs thus strengthening all the muscles that protect your knees. You probably know the movement, but for neophytes, a small reminder is necessary :

well encamped on your feet, spread to the width of your shoulders, you bend your legs until forming an angle of 90° with your knees.

Remember to put the weight of your body in the heels with your buttocks well at the back. The line of your shoulders never goes beyond that of your knees. Be sure to keep the knees in the axis, especially not inward. Start with 2 sets of 15 squats.

You can increase the difficulty of the exercise by doing more repetitions, sets and varying the rhythm: slow down the descent and / or the ascent... steel thighs, it's coming soon !

2-slots and step

These two complementary exercises will focus on the muscles of your buttocks and thighs. The movement is simple :

you just need to move one of the two legs forward, flexing it until the knee of the one that remains at the back, almost touches the floor. Too easy ? Then perform skipped lunges, alternating legs: aches assured !

For the step, you can quite use a stair step to simulate the climbs and descents performed. Do not hesitate to do your exercises in music to break the possible monotony !


As a rule, there is no need to bother with machines for doing abs : there are many easy-to-perform exercises that will be very effective for this part of the body. Here are some of them :

1-the cladding

Sheathing is an exercise to be preferred for those who have back worries and seek to tone their belly in order to feel more solid. The position is as follows: stand on your front arms, and on tiptoe. Do not arch your back. The ideal will be to achieve 3 sets of 30 seconds to start. You will be able to increase the time as you progress. Be sure to breathe well and place the navel in the back to contract all the deep muscles.

2-the crunches

Basic exercise for working the ABS. Lying on ikiyour back, legs bent and hands behind your head, lift your shoulders off the floor, maintaining a gap between the chest and chin, feel the contraction in the upper abdomen. Always remember to fit the navel well. Blow every time you take your shoulders off the floor. Make 3 sets of 30 seconds at your own pace, remember : it is not the quantity but the quality of the movement that is important !

The Pilates method is one of the physical activities where the abdominal strap is very stressed through sheathing postures without the need for material. I invite you to test this very effective gentle gym technique to strengthen your abs.


It seems complicated to work your heart without even leaving home and without any material. We'll have to show imagination ! But do not panic I will stimulate your creativity !

I have a great tip to work the cardiovascular system without leaving home: the circuit training. Using your environment, alternate several muscle building and cardio exercises with little recovery time.

Example of session in the form of circuit training (motivating music mandatory !):

-1 min of squat 

-1 min run on site

-1 min of cladding

-1 min to go back up the stairs 

- 1 min slot (30 sec right 30 sec left)

- 1 min opens-closes legs while jumping

- 1 min dips

Recovery between 3 and 5 minutes and we left again. Repeat the round between 3 and 5 times. And we hydrate !

In small material that increases the intensity: the jump rope, the step, the stepper.